Phage Futures Europe 2019

Progressing phage therapy to treat acute and chronic infections safely and economically

Thank you for joining us in 2019! Look out for news on Europe 2020 soon.

Brussels, Belgium
25-26 September, 2019

Download a report from Shawna McCallin, PhD, of University Hospital of Geneva - "The Forward Path to Commercializing Phage Therapy" - How does phage therapy become a sustainable business?

Missed the congress? Take a look at the highlights from the show at the Phage Directory twitter stream page.

Why Attend

The inaugural Phage Futures Europe 2019 in Brussels, Belgium was the first of its kind in Europe to discuss how to translate phage-based application in to clinically and commercially viable therapeutics.

Phage Futures Europe will return in 2020 to once again bring together representatives from established biotech companies (from human and animal applications), new adopters, key academic researchers and big pharma. You’ll take away actionable insights on:

  • Preclinical data of phage therapy applications in acute and chronic indications
  • The importance of magistral preparation for the personalised model
  • Regulatory guidance to achieve data via magistral preparation or fixed cocktail methods
  • The impact of phage on the immune system
  • Administering phage therapy to overcome the current unmet medical need.
  • Investment drivers

"Investors and industry are displaying increased in interest in phage as a therapeutic modality. This conference is an unique opportunity to learn of this exciting modality." Assaf Oron, Chief Business Officer, BiomX


1. How to design a successful phage clinical trial

2. How to manipulate the microbiome with phage therapy to treat chronic diseases

3. The implications and safety requirements of administering phage therapy to patients

4. What indications are suitable for phage therapy within Europe?

5. How to obtain broad phage host range and maintain synergy within a fixed cocktail

6. Applications of phage related products as an alternative strategy to access the market 

7. How magistral preparative supports the personalised medicine method

8. The route to appropriate clinical data: through innovative trial design

9. How to alleviate future multi-drug resistance through phage evolution research

10. What are the commercial pathways for phage therapies?




Frenk Smrekar

CEO & Co-founder

Frenk Smrekar

CEO & Co-founder

Frenk Smrekar

CEO & Co-founder

Dr Harald Brusseow

KU Leuven, Group of Gene Technology

Dr Harald Brusseow

KU Leuven, Group of Gene Technology

Dr Harald Brusseow

KU Leuven, Group of Gene Technology

Ard Struijs

Erasmus University Medical Center

Ard Struijs

Erasmus University Medical Center

Ard Struijs

Erasmus University Medical Center

Assaf Oron

Chief Business Officer

Assaf Oron

Chief Business Officer

Assaf Oron

Chief Business Officer

Dr Christine Rohde

Curator AD Bacteriophages

Dr Christine Rohde

Curator AD Bacteriophages

Dr Christine Rohde

Curator AD Bacteriophages

Dr. Krystyna Dabrowska

Phage Biologist
Bacteriophage Laboratory, Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Krystyna Dabrowska

Phage Biologist
Bacteriophage Laboratory, Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Krystyna Dabrowska

Phage Biologist
Bacteriophage Laboratory, Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Bob Blasdel

Research Director
Vesale Pharma

I work as the Research Director for Vésale Bioscience where I contribute my ten years’ experience in the phage therapy field as well as my expertise in the biology of phages on a microbiological, molecular, structural, multi‘-omics’, and regulatory level. We work on progressing the personalized model of phage therapy, developing and manufacturing phages as APIs for magistral preparations according to the European model of phage therapy.

Dr. Bob Blasdel

Research Director
Vesale Pharma

Dr. Bob Blasdel

Research Director
Vesale Pharma

I work as the Research Director for Vésale Bioscience where I contribute my ten years’ experience in the phage therapy field as well as my expertise in the biology of phages on a microbiological, molecular, structural, multi‘-omics’, and regulatory level. We work on progressing the personalized model of phage therapy, developing and manufacturing phages as APIs for magistral preparations according to the European model of phage therapy.

I spend a lot of time thinking about what I'm going to eat next, why cows tend to orient themselves on a north/south axis, whether viruses are alive or non-living (or undead!), what it could have really been like to have lived under the laws of Solon, structure/function arguments in biology, and the value that I like to pretend the Oxford comma has for ameliorating run-on sentences.


Lorenzo Corsini MD

Managing Director
BioNTech, R&D Austria

Lorenzo Corsini MD

Managing Director
BioNTech, R&D Austria

Lorenzo Corsini MD

Managing Director
BioNTech, R&D Austria

Michel de Baar

Executive Director, BD&L Europe

Michel de Baar

Executive Director, BD&L Europe

Michel de Baar

Executive Director, BD&L Europe

Eric Pelfrene

Office of Anti-infectives and Vaccines, Human Medicines Evaluation Division

I am employed at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), with responsibilities mainly focused on regulatory guidance pertaining new antibacterial products and medicines for use against WHO target infections, such as malaria.  At EMA we are looking at the lifecycle of each product, through registration and post-authorisation phase, ensuring safe and effective medicines with certified quality to be available for patients throughout the European UnionThe Agency also plays a role in supporting research and innovation in the pharmaceutical sector and pr

Eric Pelfrene

Office of Anti-infectives and Vaccines, Human Medicines Evaluation Division

Eric Pelfrene

Office of Anti-infectives and Vaccines, Human Medicines Evaluation Division

I am employed at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), with responsibilities mainly focused on regulatory guidance pertaining new antibacterial products and medicines for use against WHO target infections, such as malaria.  At EMA we are looking at the lifecycle of each product, through registration and post-authorisation phase, ensuring safe and effective medicines with certified quality to be available for patients throughout the European UnionThe Agency also plays a role in supporting research and innovation in the pharmaceutical sector and promotes innovation and development of new medicines by European micro- small- and medium-sized-enterprises.


Dr. Jean-Paul Pirnay

Head of the Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Technology
Queen Astrid Military Hospital

Dr. Jean-Paul Pirnay

Head of the Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Technology
Queen Astrid Military Hospital

Dr. Jean-Paul Pirnay

Head of the Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Technology
Queen Astrid Military Hospital

Dr Sofia Corte-Real

Scientific Consultant

Dr Sofia Corte-Real

Scientific Consultant

Dr Sofia Corte-Real

Scientific Consultant

Dr Pieter-Jan Ceyssens

Unit Head ‘Antibiotics & Resistance’

Dr Aleksandra Petrovic Fabijan

Phage Biologist
The Westmead Institute for Medical Research

Dr Gregory Resch

Project Director - Head of bacteriophage research
University of Lausanne

Dr Miguel Baretto-Sanz


Our company Phages4A (Phages For All) has developed a technology based on artificial intelligence, able to predict in an in-silico way (via computer simulation) the phages that can specifically infect and kill a bacteria.  Our technology harnesses the genome of phages and bacteria and relies on bacterial-phage interaction databases to train artificial intelligence algorithms. The models thus developed make it possible to select the phages that can specifically infect and kill a given bacteria. Our predictions help to create custom bacteriophage cocktails to treat patients with bacterial infections.


More specifically we aim to:

  • Help companies working on phage therapy to speed their processes to identify host range
  • Provide to hospitals and clinics with software tools to accelerate the treatment of patients suffering of diseases related antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Bring our products and services to other industries including but not limited to food safety, aquaculture, veterinary, and agriculture where bacteria resistant to antibiotics is an important issue.

Dr Steven Hagens

Principal Scientist

After 22 years working with phages both in academia and industry my role is to act as interface between  Micreos Food Safety B.V. and various stakeholders such as regulatory authorities in various countries, large customers in the food industry, academic partners with whom we collaborate as well as ensuring our intellectual property portfolio is well stocked. In addition I guide and sometimes direct new product development within our own research team.

Dr Biswajit Biswas

Chief, Division of Bacteriophage Science, Biological Defence Research Directorate
US Naval Medical Research Center

Dr Ronen Hazan

Lab Head
Hebrew University

Kristin Wannerberger

Director R&D Alliance Management
Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Kristin holds a Ph.D. in Biophysical Technology from Lund University, Sweden and a M.Sc. Chem. Eng. - Food and Dairy Technology. Kristin has more than 20 years of experience of Pharmaceutical Industry working with development of drugs covering various therapeutical areas and several administration forms. She has had various positions based in Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland and currently holds a position as Director Alliance Management R&D, based in Switzerland. She is directing several alliances in the field of the human microbiota/microbiome.

Prof Christian Willy

Professor of Surgery
German Military Hospital Berlin

Prof Ran Nir-Paz

Associate Professor of Medicine
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centre

"I am an Infectious Diseases physician at the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel. As part of the Infectious Diseases service I support our arthroplasty service which is a referral center from around Israel for the more complicated cases. With that I encounter many patients who have infections which are either chronic or hard to cure using common antibiotics. In order to tackle that we have created an ad-hoc compassionate/ early clinical trial phage treatment center with the Hazan Lab@huji. We already successfully treated one patient and few more are on the way."

Dr David Harper

Evolution Biotechnologies

My day job is as the CEO of Evolution Biotechnologies, moving environmentally friendly biological controls into the biomedical sector, based on the success of such agents in agriculture. This is based around low cost approaches minimising investor dilution while moving towards large potential markets.

Targets include the house dust mite, the main cause of asthma, where our novel approach underlies broad patent protection, and antibiotic resistant bacterial infections where individual veterinary treatments are already being undertaken. The company is building on its unique skillset in these key areas.

Dr Kimberley Bishop-Lilly

Deputy Head, Genomics & Bioinformatics Dept
Naval Medical Research Center - Frederick

Dr Ben Burrowes

Evolution Biotechnologies


Looking to showcase your recent work to the phage therapy community?

Our dedicated poster session is the perfect way to get your research noticed. In order to present a poster at the forum you need to be registered as a delegate. Please note that there is limited space available and poster space is assigned on a first come first served basis (subject to checks and successful registration). At the congress, your presentation will be displayed in a dedicated poster area. The poster presentation session will take place at the afternoon networking break on day one.

Poster abstract submission deadline is on 17th July 2020. Posters should be sized A0 (841mm x 1189mm) in portrait orientation.

Abstracts received after this time may not be accepted so please submit your abstract as soon as possible!

For more information please contact


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Brussels, Belgium

2020 Venue TBC. 

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