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An Interview with Bob Lester

Sandy Milligan

MD, JD, Head of R&D

Sandy Milligan

MD, JD, Head of R&D

Sandy Milligan

MD, JD, Head of R&D

Dr. Lynne U. Sneddon

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Fish Welfare
University of Gothenburg

Dr Lynne Sneddon obtained her Ph.D at Glasgow University studying animal behaviour, physiology and neurobiology. After a postdoctoral position studying weakly electric fish Lynne moved to the Roslin Institute where she began characterising nociceptors (pain receptors) in fish for the first time with Dr Mike Gentle. Lynne moved to the University of Liverpool in 2002 on a fellowship where she has used an integrative approach to understand mechanisms of behaviour and specialises in addressing question in fish welfare.

Dr. Lynne U. Sneddon

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Fish Welfare
University of Gothenburg

Dr. Lynne U. Sneddon

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Fish Welfare
University of Gothenburg

Dr Lynne Sneddon obtained her Ph.D at Glasgow University studying animal behaviour, physiology and neurobiology. After a postdoctoral position studying weakly electric fish Lynne moved to the Roslin Institute where she began characterising nociceptors (pain receptors) in fish for the first time with Dr Mike Gentle. Lynne moved to the University of Liverpool in 2002 on a fellowship where she has used an integrative approach to understand mechanisms of behaviour and specialises in addressing question in fish welfare. In September 2021 Lynne took up a new academic position at Gothenburg University in Sweden.


Felix Collins

Saxo Siam Protein

Felix Collins has been in the insect industry for three years, starting at university, where he was studying something completely unrelated (psychology and business). After the EU’s 2017 legislation promoting the use of BSF, Felix became obsessed with the industry and started looking into commercial applications. The black soldier fly has so many different potential benefits and he’s a big believer in exploring more than just protein meal. Felix is currently on the Executive Committee of the Asian Food and Feed Insect Association (AFFIA) and scaling up his colony in Thailand.

Felix Collins

Saxo Siam Protein

Felix Collins

Saxo Siam Protein

Felix Collins has been in the insect industry for three years, starting at university, where he was studying something completely unrelated (psychology and business). After the EU’s 2017 legislation promoting the use of BSF, Felix became obsessed with the industry and started looking into commercial applications. The black soldier fly has so many different potential benefits and he’s a big believer in exploring more than just protein meal. Felix is currently on the Executive Committee of the Asian Food and Feed Insect Association (AFFIA) and scaling up his colony in Thailand.


Maye Walraven

Head of Business Development

Maye leads InnovaFeed’s Business Development team, she’s in charge of building value for customers by developing the company’s innovative products. As part of her role, she oversees InnovaFeed’s relationships with various stakeholders across the value chain, from feed manufacturers, to farmers, distributors, NGOs and certification bodies. Prior to joining InnovaFeed she worked at McKinsey & Company as part of the Sustainability and Resource Productivity practice in New York (USA) for 5 years and helped clients deploy sustainable business solutions.

Maye Walraven

Head of Business Development

Maye Walraven

Head of Business Development

Maye leads InnovaFeed’s Business Development team, she’s in charge of building value for customers by developing the company’s innovative products. As part of her role, she oversees InnovaFeed’s relationships with various stakeholders across the value chain, from feed manufacturers, to farmers, distributors, NGOs and certification bodies. Prior to joining InnovaFeed she worked at McKinsey & Company as part of the Sustainability and Resource Productivity practice in New York (USA) for 5 years and helped clients deploy sustainable business solutions. Maye has a Bachelor of Engineering from Centrale Paris (France) and a master’s in Business Sustainability from the University of Queensland (Australia).


David Kelly


David Kelly is CEO and chief technology officer of Innovasea, which is revolutionizing aquaculture and advancing the science of fish tracking to make our oceans and freshwater ecosystems sustainable for future generations. He is responsible for setting Innovasea’s overall strategy and leading research and development efforts to design and build the world’s most technologically advanced aquatic solutions.

David Kelly


David Kelly


David Kelly is CEO and chief technology officer of Innovasea, which is revolutionizing aquaculture and advancing the science of fish tracking to make our oceans and freshwater ecosystems sustainable for future generations. He is responsible for setting Innovasea’s overall strategy and leading research and development efforts to design and build the world’s most technologically advanced aquatic solutions.

Prior to Innovasea, David served as president and chief executive officer of Bluefin Robotics, a provider of autonomous underwater vehicles and related marine robotics technology.  David is a senior executive and technologist with experience that ranges from early-stage high tech companies to Fortune 500 firms.

David holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas and an MBA from Southern Methodist University.


Tore Norheim Hagtun

CEO & Co-founder
Clarify by Searis

Tore hails from the arctic fishing village of Bleik on Andøya island and has a master's degree in cybernetics and robotics. With a specialization in fishery and aquaculture applications, Tore has worked hands-on with industrial digitalization for the past decade. Co-founding and running a software company since graduating, Tore has worked with data and automation solutions for everything from micro-algae to salmon, with customers ranging from startups to government institutions.

Tore Norheim Hagtun

CEO & Co-founder
Clarify by Searis

Tore Norheim Hagtun

CEO & Co-founder
Clarify by Searis

Tore hails from the arctic fishing village of Bleik on Andøya island and has a master's degree in cybernetics and robotics. With a specialization in fishery and aquaculture applications, Tore has worked hands-on with industrial digitalization for the past decade. Co-founding and running a software company since graduating, Tore has worked with data and automation solutions for everything from micro-algae to salmon, with customers ranging from startups to government institutions. With Clarify we are helping people make better decisions by combining data, human expertise, and applied AI tools in one engaging interface.


Langley Gace

Senior Vice President of Open Ocean Aquaculture

Langley Gace is Senior Vice President of Innovasea. Previously he served as President of OceanSpar, LLC, where he managed development of high performance fish pens, operating equipment and support services to leading offshore aquaculture companies. Mr. Gace holds a Master of Sciences in Mechanical Ocean Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, where his research on scale model submersible fish pens was a catalyst for the open ocean aquaculture program there. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in physics from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.

Langley Gace

Senior Vice President of Open Ocean Aquaculture

Langley Gace

Senior Vice President of Open Ocean Aquaculture

Langley Gace is Senior Vice President of Innovasea. Previously he served as President of OceanSpar, LLC, where he managed development of high performance fish pens, operating equipment and support services to leading offshore aquaculture companies. Mr. Gace holds a Master of Sciences in Mechanical Ocean Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, where his research on scale model submersible fish pens was a catalyst for the open ocean aquaculture program there. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in physics from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.


Jelena Kolarevic

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Jelena Kolarevic

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Jelena Kolarevic

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Dr. Astrid Buran Holan

Head of Development - CAS

Dr Astrid Buran Holan is the Head of Development – CAS in ScaleAQ, Norway. She works with the technological and biological aspects of water treatment in Closed Aquaculture System (CAS) on land and in sea, as well as fish requirements in such systems.  Her focus is on new developments, planning and dimensioning of new farms, advising and training. She also holds a position as an associate professor II at the University of Tromsø (UiT), Norway.

Education and experience

Dr. Astrid Buran Holan

Head of Development - CAS

Dr. Astrid Buran Holan

Head of Development - CAS

Dr Astrid Buran Holan is the Head of Development – CAS in ScaleAQ, Norway. She works with the technological and biological aspects of water treatment in Closed Aquaculture System (CAS) on land and in sea, as well as fish requirements in such systems.  Her focus is on new developments, planning and dimensioning of new farms, advising and training. She also holds a position as an associate professor II at the University of Tromsø (UiT), Norway.

Education and experience

She has a PhD degree from NTNU in environmental technology and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), and a master’s degree in biological treatment of wastewater from a pulp and paper factory. After working as a researcher in Nofima for several years, she is now working in the new Norwegian aquaculture technology giant ScaleAQ. ScaleAQ is combining experience and know-how from both sea and land-based fish farming.

Contact info

[email protected]