Ella Balasa
Tell me about… your business
I am a patient advocate, a scientist, a freelance writer, and a person living with cystic fibrosis. Over the past few years, I have become involved in the CF community through serving on research committees, organizing CF virtual events, serving as a director for the US Adult CF Association, and speaking at both local and national levels to raise awareness for CF and shed light to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance to the CF population. Having a degree in biology, I have worked in an environmental microbiology lab and I've dedicated my work to studying antibiotic resistant organisms and genes from an environmental perspective in surface waters affected by anthropogenic sources. As a patient, I find fascinating the connection between the bacteria that live in the lungs of those affected by CF and the way these same organisms thrive in the environment.
Along with an interest in science, I have developed an interest for writing. I have been able to provide a scientific voice and encourage empowerment to the CF community by occasionally writing about my research experiences as well as introspectively writing about the increasing hardship yet countless triumphs that come along with living a life with a chronic disease.

Guy Ringler

Dr Ranjith Ramasamy

Anate Brauer

Georgie Kovacs

Arielle Spiegal
Arielle is the Founder of CoFertility, a site that aims to un-complicate the fertility journey by answering every fertility question out there. With educational content, resources, and tools, Co provides helpful, digestible information about fertility and reproductive health all in one place—while keeping it real.
Prior to founding Co, Arielle led social media and partnerships at Victoria’s Secret PINK and Coach. She thrives on bolstering brand relevance among key audiences, especially when they involve first-to-market technology and media partnerships.
When she’s not busy changing the conversation about fertility, Arielle enjoys hanging out with her husband, Max, and playing with their dog, Oliver. She also loves listening to podcasts, with favorites including NPR’s How I Built This and Big Fat Negative. After multiple rounds of IVF and several losses, Arielle finally had her rainbow baby in June 2020.

Michelle Perugini

Marie Berger

Kenneth Warrington
Ken Warrington, PhD joined GenScript Probio in 2020 as Head of Strategy & Innovation and a Sr. Director of Business Development supporting their Gene & Cell Therapy CMC services. Dr. Warrington served on the faculty at the University of Florida focused on AAV vector development and transitioned into industry where he has served lead technical operation and business development roles for global contract testing and manufacturing organizations. He is a co-founder and director of Lacerta Therapeutics and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board at Biostem Life Sciences. He has broad expertise across the viral vector product development continuum from discovery through GMP-compliant manufacturing to support IND-enabling preclinical and early stage clinical programs.