Shahin Farshschi
Shahin empowers entrepreneurs aiming to accelerate humanity towards a brighter future through feats of engineering. He is passionate about artificial intelligence, robots, space, cars, and engines—pretty much anything you might find in an episode of Star Trek.
He led Lux’s investments in Silicon Clocks (NASDAQ:SLAB), which shrank electronics by baking bulky quartz crystals into silicon chips; SiBeam (NASDAQ:SIMG), which aims to eliminate wires from living rooms by introducing full-HD wireless connectivity; Planet, which is launching the world’s largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites; Plethora, which is rolling out a fleet of robotic machine shops; Flex Logix, making chips that can reprogram themselves; Nervana (NASDAQ:INTC), the first full-stack platform for machine intelligence; Mythic, bringing powerful AI to miniature, inexpensive devices; Astranis, which is building low-cost telecommunications satellites; Embodied Intelligence, which empowers industrials to perceive and act like humans; Aeva, a new sensing paradigm for autonomous machines; Arraiy, a platform for automating visual effects; SubSpace, a company providing real-time, latency-free internet; and Scaled Inference.
Previously, Shahin co-founded Vista Integrated Systems, which built wireless vital sign monitors based on a neural interface technology he developed during his PhD at UCLA. Shahin also developed hybrid electric vehicles for GM in Detroit, worked as a software developer in several Silicon Valley startups, and researched new techniques for semiconductor manufacturing. He earned his Bachelor’s in EECS at UC Berkeley.

Priyanka Raina

Vivenne Sze

Dima Rekesh

Dieter Ernst
Dieter Ernst is a senior fellow at CIGI, where he explores unresolved challenges for the global governance of trade, intellectual property (IP) and innovation, addressing two main issues: finding out what adjustments are needed in the development and use of IP, in particular, patents and trade secrets, to cope with the requirements of increasingly complex and diverse global corporate networks of production and innovation; and dealing with the effects of the proliferation of strategic patenting behaviour on the organization and governance of these global networks.
Based in Hawaii, he is currently a senior fellow at the East-West Center. Previously, he served as a member of the US National Academies’ Committee on Global Approaches to Advanced Computing, as a senior adviser to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, and as a research director of the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy at the University of California at Berkeley.
Previously, Dieter was a professor of international business at the Copenhagen Business School and served as a scientific adviser to governments, private companies and international institutions, including the World Bank, the UN Conference on Trade and Development and the UN Industrial Development Organization.
He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Bremen.

Bryan Catanzaro
Bryan Catanzaro is vice president of Applied Deep Learning Research at NVIDIA, where he leads a team finding new ways to use AI to improve projects ranging from language understanding to computer graphics and chip design. Bryan's research at NVIDIA led to the creation of CUDNN, and more recently, he helped lead the team that invented DLSS 2.0. Prior to NVIDIA, he worked at Baidu to create next-generation systems for training and deploying end-to-end, deep learning-based speech recognition. Bryan received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley.