Li Xi (Cecilia)
Devoted to Skin Fundamental Research, Discover and POP for new technology, Product Performance Evaluation and Communication for decades years with Life Science and Psychology background.
Envision towards build World-Class Center with Innovative and High Quality Study Approach, Insightful Research to Bring Science into Healthy Living and Well-Being.
Passionate to engage with leading researchers and institutes to shape an open innovation ecosystem.
Nicole Hemsoth
Stacey Higginbotham
Stacey Higginbotham
Igor Taber
Dr. Bradford McRae
Brad is a Project Director in Immunology Discovery. He has led both internal drug discovery projects and external collaborations including work on the microbiome with a focus on therapeutics for the treatment of IBD. He leads a cross-functional group within Abbvie responsible for executing on the Discovery and Clinical strategy in Gastroenterology. His experience in project leadership, immunology, and in vivo pharmacology ranges from the target identification phase through drug candidate selection and IND.