Paolo Woods-Wyatt

Shanelle Gabriel

O.B. Gray

Sandra Torres

Adrian Kielhorn

Lauren Antion

David Archer
Dr. David Archer, Chief Technology Officer for Niobium Microsystems, has over 40 years of experience in computer hardware and software development, including over 12 years of R&D in Privacy Enhancing Technologies. Dr. Archer developed foundations and application of PETs in well-known US Government programs such as DARPA PROCEED, SafeWare, Brandeis, SIEVE, and DPRIVE; IARPA HECTOR; as well as in programs for the US Departments of Homeland Security, Education, Energy, the Census Bureau, and the US Intelligence Community. Dr. Archer is a founding member of the Privacy Preserving Technology Team, United Nations Statistics Division, and co-authored the first UN Privacy Preserving Technology Handbook. Dr. Archer was appointed by the Director of NIST and served as one of seven national judges on the US Privacy Enhancing Technologies Prize Challenge. Dr. Archer served as a Summer Scholar in PETs for the US Census Bureau in 2022.